Thesis, flowers, and April showers


Well, I’m happy to announce that I successfully defended my Masters Thesis on Tuesday morning. After three years of work (much of it done while battling either insecurity or morning sickness), I’ve completed my MFA in Creative Writing. Many of you know a lot about me…about my family…and about my passion for food. But my thesis is a memoir about a part of my life that I’m less apt to share with strangers (and even close friends). As a writer, I skirted around the heart of my memoir for years. My stories and novels were cloaked and heavy as I tried to disguise my writing soul.

Over the course of these past three years, I learned that a writer’s true voice only develops when we finally tackle that which we fear the most.


My thesis defense ended in a long discussion with my adviser and the director of the program. His enthusiasm for my work was surprising, and we’re hoping to send it off to an agent before Lucy is born this summer. Who knows what will happen, but it’s exciting to have such a concrete goal. I won’t share much more until I’m farther along in that process, but I appreciate your positive thoughts in the weeks and months to come!

In the meantime, we’re still celebrating the imminent arrival of our little Lucy. I’m in Houston for the next few days, and my Aunt Sharon is throwing me a baby shower (one just as special as the first, I’m sure!). The weather here in Texas is hot and humid. A nice change from the dry cold we’ve been bravely facing in Colorado. Ryan and I have enjoyed good food, seen old friends, and already driven in traffic one too many times (oh the joys of Texas!).


While I don’t have any recipes for you today, I hope you can enjoy these lovely blooms. My aunt makes it down to the farmer’s market each week, and she manages to find the loveliest of flowers. And in case you’re truly hankering for something sweet…here are a few of my favorite spring-time desserts. Click on the links below to find the recipe and more!


ย Blueberry Cinnamon Rolls


Lemon Poppyseed Cookies


Whole Grain Pancakes with Strawberry Agave Sauce


Anecdotes and Apple Cores

35 thoughts on “Thesis, flowers, and April showers

  1. Beth

    What beautiful desserts!

    I’m so impressed with the defence of your thesis, and with your advisor’s response. I’m really excited at the thought of seeing your book in print! I must admit that although I love to write (and I’m deep into a project now), there’s something daunting about knowing how personal it is, even when it isn’t a memoir. It’s an issue that we shy and private writers have to accept!

    1. Monet Post author

      I know Beth! I have let very few people read my memoir…and I think it will be quite the adjustment if I ever do get it published!

  2. Monica

    Love the title of this post! Congrats on accomplishing so much – it is truly amazing. I’m intrigued about your writing and hope to read your book one day… Have a great day!

  3. Brian @ A Thought For Food

    So proud of you, darling! I’m sure it was nerve-racking having to defend your thesis… but it sounds like it was a success. I have always loved your writing and I admire how honest you can be in what you share with readers. You really do have a tremendous gift.

    Sending you lots of love… have a wonderful week!

  4. Andrea

    Are we in the same Houston? LOL it’s been cold and raining for the past few days. I am so glad you successfully defended your thesis. That is something that scares me to death!

    1. Monet

      Hi Andrea! It was so warm in Austin…much cooler here in Houston…but still HOT compared to our 23 degree days in Colorado!

  5. Annie

    Such joyful news! Not that I had doubt-never doubt when it comes to you, Monet. I want to be one of the first in line to read your work when you are published. Fantastic news!

  6. sallybr

    Congrats on your defense! It is always a huge relief, and you should definitely be proud of yourself! I wish you all the luck in the future projects – who knows what it will bring? Wonderful things, I am sure!


  7. The Squishy Monster

    I’ve always considered you to be such a strong writer…congrats on reaching so many milestones! Can’t wait to see Lucy!!! (though I doubt it’s possible my excitement even touches yours)…on another note, that strawberry agave sauce sounds divine paired with those pancakes!!!

  8. Bonnie

    Congratulations, my friend! I wish you well as you move forward with your writing. Thank you for sharing those lovely photos with us this morning. Enjoy the shower!


  9. Mary

    I’m so excited for you to be finished with the MFA and done with the defense of your thesis. That is HUGE! (Just in time to celebrate Lucy once again as well!) I am sure that your book will be wonderful and I can’t wait to hear more about it.

  10. TheKitchenLioness

    Monet, congratulations on all your wonderful news and accomplishments from all of us! We kept our fingers crossed but always knew that you would wing it! I would love to read your book once it is published!

    And how very lovely your desserts look, I remember those pretty Lemon-Poppyseed Cookies that I am still planning on baking this spring! I got a new stove today and your fabulous Strawberry-Coconut Cake is second in line…I cannot wait!

    P.S.: Thanks also for your kind mail – the girls are putting a few finishing touches on their drawings and cannot wait to send the little package your and Lucyยดs way!

  11. Becky

    I can’t wait to read your first novel, when it is published. I enjoy your writing so much.

    Also Congrats on the Defense of your Thesis, a huge weight lifted off your shoulders. Almost forgot Congrats on your new home. You have so many blessings at this time in your life. and of course, the most beautiful creation of them all, Baby Lucy:)

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