

“a portrait of my daughter, once a week, every week, in 2014″

(And thanks to the ever lovely Jodi for inspiring us all…)

My daughter bites. She bites her crib. She bites her foot. She bites my shoulder. Yes, she even bites my nipple. Lucy has somewhere around 8 teeth (an impressive number for an almost 7-month old).

She is SO CLOSE to crawling. It could be any day now, which makes me both proud and sad. It’s true what they say, “It goes by so fast.”

I taught my first round of college classes this week, and so far so good. I know that balancing home with work will be a challenge, but I feel like we’re off to a good start. Both my students and my daughter seem happy and engaged (of course, this is only the first week).

Over the next few days, I’ll be writing and working in the kitchen. I’m not sure exactly what I’ll end up baking, but I promise I’ll be back on Monday with a new recipe. I hope everyone has a beautiful and warm weekend! It’s been too darn cold.






Anecdotes and Apple Cores

26 thoughts on “3/52

  1. sallybr

    Sending you the best possible vibes!

    I don’t teach formal classes anymore, being what is called a Research Professor. But I teach grad students in the lab all the time, and it is amazing how even at that stage motivation can be a problem. I know you will be able to motivate them to learn, just by your own example…

    relax, and enjoy it!

  2. Ashley

    Gosh – her eyes and eye lashes get me every time! Just gorgeous Monet – you are one lucky mom : ) And I’m glad to hear that so far so good with the classes!

  3. Becky

    I would love to be in your class:) I’m sure that you will do well.

    Wow, Lucy has 8 teeth! My son didn’t get teeth until he was 13 mos. It matter though, because he could “gum” all of his food. Children all develop at different rates, even siblings. Stay warm, and have a great weekend.

  4. Hotly Spiced

    Both my boys were very early with their teeth (and their crawling) and the biting was so out of control I had to wean them. They were too young to understand what they were doing. Very difficult when teething starts at 12 weeks. A lot of my friends had children who didn’t get teeth until they were about 8 months old – a lot easier. Lucy is looking so gorgeous. She looks like the perfect baby. Glad to hear it’s all working out with being back at work xx

  5. Nancy @ gottagetbaked

    Those eyes, that smile, those chubby cheeks! Lucy is growing lovelier with each passing day. I knew you’d do great with your class, Monet. I’d love to be taught by someone as passionate, intelligent and overall awesome as you are! You definitely need to stay warm. It’s sunny ‘n beautiful here in Vancouver (sorry!) but I’m amazed at how ridiculously cold ‘n snowy it is out east. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  6. Chris @ The Café Sucré Farine

    You’ll be so happy you captured these weekly pictures down the road when she’s older. Glad your work went well. I know you missed her while you were gone. When my children were babies and I would work I would think of them constantly 🙂

  7. Eileen

    Look at those beautiful eyes. Such an adorable little thing she is. I think she looks so much like Ryan in the first pic and so much like you in the third. Glad to hear you made it through your first week of work Monet. Relax and enjoy your weekend!

  8. TheKitchenLioness

    Monet, sorry for being so late with commenting but I am only slowly picking up speed/strength but I will be visiting regularly again because I really enjoy your lovely blog very much! Oh, those eyes, they are just gorgeous! I wish I could give Lucy the biggest of hugs!
    I also wish you tons of success with all you do, teaching classes, writing your book and all your other wonderful endeavours!
    Take good care of yourself and have a wonderful Sunday!

  9. John@Kitchen Riffs

    Such a cutie! Love these weekly pictures (heck, we want daily ones!). Weird winter thus far — we’ve had really cold weather, now today it’ll be in the 50s. And tomorrow, around zero! Anyway, fun post — thanks.

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