Coconut Oatmeal Cookies


Ryan and I have been searching for a house since we moved home to Colorado, and I’m just about certain we’ve found it. On Sunday afternoon, we accepted a counter-offer for a beautiful 3-bedroom home, and we’re due to close on March 8th. Just three months shy of my due date! The house was built in 1908, which means each room brims with history. The moment we walked through the front door, I felt like I had entered into a place long-familiar. I guess that’s a good sign.


More than anything, I’m looking forward to unpacking all of our boxes, to finding all my pots and pans, to arranging my quilts and books, and to hanging the pictures and artwork that mark Ryan and me as our own, unique family. Transition is a state we’ve become more comfortable with over the past few years, but that doesn’t mean I’m not ready to settle down and plant roots. To be honest, I’m aching for that opportunity.


These coconut oatmeal cookies are one of the many recipes I’ll be making in our new house. Cookies have become one of my favorite, go-to desserts in the past few weeks. Within minutes, MINUTES, you can have a plate of delicious goods to share with your friends and family. And cookies are extremely popular with my niece and nephews.


My dad loves coconut (the only junk food he ever eats is an almond joy), and I love the chewiness of a good oatmeal cookie. So this combination seemed like a natural winner for our family. Just as I had hoped, the coconut makes these treats even more moist, and I found that they tasted even better the next day. And if you’re feeling particularly in need of a good dose of pleasure, then add on a scoop of dark chocolate ice cream. Heavenly.

So here’s to cookies, and to house inspections, and to late dinners with those that you love. I hope everyone is having a good week. Thank you, as always, for your continued love and support!


Coconut Oatmeal Cookies

1 cup unsalted butter, room temperatue

1 cup white sugar

1 cup brown sugar

2 eggs

1 teaspoon vanilla

1 cup all-purpose flour

1 teaspoon baking soda

1 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 cup sweetened and shredded coconut

1 cup finely chopped walnuts or almonds

3 cups old-fashioned oats

1. In the bowl of a stand mixer, cream together butter and sugars until smooth, about three minutes. Add in eggs and beat for an additional three minutes. Stir in vanilla and set aside.

2. In a small bowl, combine the flour, baking soda, salt and cinnamon. Fold into the butter-sugar mixture. Fold in coconut, nuts, and oats. Cover and allow to chill for at least one hour (I often let mine chill overnight!)

3. Preheat oven to 350 degrees Farenheit and line two baking sheets with parchment paper. Form tablespoon size balls and place on prepared cookie sheets. Bake for 10 minutes, or until the cookies look just slightly underdone. Allow to cool for 5 minutes on cookie sheet before removing to wire rack.


Anecdotes and Apple Cores

38 thoughts on “Coconut Oatmeal Cookies

  1. lisa fine @ vermont vittles

    Good luck with all of the house stuff! Josh and I talk about having roots all the time – to have a house with a bit of land to plant a garden and have some chickens and berry bushes is the dream. I’m so happy for you two.

  2. Jennifer Boyce

    That’s sooooo exciting! Congratulations on your new home! I’m a real estate agent in Northern Virginia, so I love when people buy homes :o) A place to raise your new family and create so many lovely lasting memories! Doesn’t get much better than that.

  3. Anita at Hungry Couple

    Wonderful news, Monet. I like old houses. We have a 100 year old Dutch Colonial summer house and it looks similar to what you show in the photo with the wood trim and the radiators. Lots of charm. You’ll build a wonderful life there with your little family!

  4. Anne

    Congratulations on your new house! I love all of the natural light in that picture – looks like a beautiful home! My building was built in 1929, and I just love all of the history and vintage touches.

  5. mangiabella

    congratulations!!!! it’s funny how even from this photo you can get a feel for the vibe…being a real estate broker, one of the most rewarding things for me to see is people finding “home” ~ I know you will make beautiful memories there.

  6. Eileen

    Wow, you guys really are having the most eventful of years! Congratulations on your new house–I hope it’s everything you dreamed. 🙂 (I’m actually pretty jealous–houses in the bay area are, shall we say, Not Affordable.) These cookies look like the perfect way to celebrate!

  7. Kimberly (unrivaledkitch)

    delicious! congratulations on the house. I’m sure settling into your new home will be loads off your back. Just take it easy and remember to take good care of yourself and that little baby in there. Lots of love


  8. Lauren (PB&G)

    That house looks like it was made for the two of you! You look so at home already. I’m so glad things are going well for you two. Hugs and all the best. =)

  9. Gina

    Congratulations, how exciting. I bet you can’t wait to bake something in your new kitchen. I know how unsettling it is to be in transition and I’m glad you guys have found a place to call home. Cookies are always a welcoming treat. You are going to be one busy momma soon and you will need lots of quick treats to bake when the mood strikes.

  10. Becky

    Congratulations on buying your first home. It will be so exciting, and decorating for your growing family. How perfect for you and Ryan.

    As for the cookies, great minds do think alike, and coconut is a wonderful addition to cookies:)

  11. Jessie

    What a gorgeous home!! (And an even more gorgeous couple+baby in the picture 😉 ). Congratulations on your new home! It’s so wonderful to have a place to call your own, that you can shape the way you want it. Peter and I are aching to put down roots, and it will be a few years before we get there, but, boy, are we excited 🙂

    Love these coconut oatmeal cookies (and your heart-shaped plate!) 🙂

  12. Marina@Picnic at Marina

    I know what you mean by becoming comfortable in transitional stage, we are in this condition now, and I am so ready for my own place! Congratulation on your house! Happy for you two! I am sure you will tell us many stories that this new home will unfold before you! 🙂

  13. kitchen flavours

    Your cookies looks wonderful! I love cookies with oats, and with the addition of coconut, makes it extra yummy! I can just imagine the aroma when these are baking in the oven! Congratulations on your lovely new house! Take care and have a great delicious weekend!

  14. Jasline (Foodie Baker)

    Hello! I stumbled onto your site from Joyce (Kitchen Flavours) and I’m in love with the cookies! I have some coconut lying somewhere in the house and your recipe would be perfect to use them up. Congratulations on your new house!

  15. Wendy Irene

    I love the picture of the cookies on the heart plate… So beautiful! Congratulations on the new house!!! It feels so good to have roots somewhere when you have kids. Sending ((hugs))

  16. Bonnie Banters

    Congratulations upon finding your new home! I love things that whisper history…when I sold loose diamonds and fine jewelry, estate jewelry was my favorite with which to work.
    Looks like you guys are really settling in. These coconut oatmeal cookies definitely make a house a home!

  17. CCU

    Congratulations my dear friend this is fantastic 😀
    I love your cookies as well, eat them and celebrate well!

    Choc Chip Uru

  18. Jeane M.

    Cheers for the new home! I love old houses with history they always makes me dream. Can imagine eating that cookie with a bright sun shining at the foyer.

  19. Bonnie

    We have an old house (1921) and have love it. Have a wonderful time making it your’s!! The cookies look chewily delicious!!


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