I’m eagerly anticipating Thursday. And I’m thankful my mom has turkey duty. As much as I love eating turkey, I can’t stand preparing it. I’m not good with raw meat and those birds are heavy! I’d much rather contend with rolling pins, butter, and bags of flour. And so I’m baking rolls, pies, and croissants (yes croissants!) for Thanksgiving. And as I get to work in the kitchen, I’ll think about the many moments this year that brought me joy and all the abundance that surrounds us. I hope everyone celebrating this week has a wonderful day with friends and family. These are a few of the many things I’ve feeling thankful for….


Meals with friends and family. “Supper” by Phoebe Wahl


A beautiful and healthy pregnancy.


The best husband (and father) in the world.


Good cups of coffee.


A new home….


and a nursery filled with handmade gifts and love.

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And without any doubt…I’m most thankful for our sweet baby girl….


The best gift in the world.


30 thoughts on “Feeling THANKFUL

  1. Ashley

    I love this post – such a great reminder to stop this holiday and really think about all the things we are thankful for!

    While I’m doing all the rest of the meal, my husband is doing the turkey. Thank goodness – I just don’t like preparing it either!! Have a very very wonderful holiday Monet!!

  2. Becky

    You have been blessed with a wonderful family, a great husband and father, and a darling baby with the most gorgeous eyes. Enjoy your Thanksgiving

  3. Christin@SpicySouthernKitchen

    Have a wonderful first Thanksgiving with your daughter! I don’t much like to cook turkeys either. You are right, they are heavy! About 5 years ago, my husband got interested in deep frying our turkeys for Thanksgiving. Not quite as healthy, but I no longer have to cook them AND it frees up the oven.

  4. laurasmess

    I love this post Monet. All of us should definitely count our blessings, all the days of the year! We don’t have Thanksgiving here in Australia but posts like these are helping me to count my blessings too! I’m so grateful that you’ve had a beautifully rich and blessed year. May you have a wonderful Thanksgiving together! xx

  5. Kelly

    What lovely photos Monet! Hope Lucy had an amazing first Thanksgiving and you and your family enjoy the rest of the holiday weekend 🙂

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