Little Things

No recipe today, just simple shots of our life this past week. Tune back next Wednesday for a similar post! I’d also love to have you follow me on Instagram (@cakestand) if you’re interested in more photos of food and baby!


We take weekly (or maybe daily) trips to Whole Foods. She sleeps like an angel. I buy flowers.


A dear friend made me a beautiful necklace while pregnant. The necklace bears the patron saint of pregnant women and mothers. Lucille clings to it each time we nurse, making this necklace even more precious to me as a new mom.


My own dear mother went with me to Lucille’s 2 month doctor’s appointment…despite a broken foot! She’s a strong and beautiful woman. Without a doubt, she’s my hero.


And these two. Yes, Ryan and Lucy have matching moose shirts. Could they be any more adorable?


Lucy at 9 weeks. Enough said.


Chicken soup to help nurse my chest cold. I’m now convinced it takes longer to get over a sickness when you’re a mom.


Wearing my old romper!


And…don’t forget to enter my contest to win one of Ryan’s lovely necklaces! Vote using the web address above and then leave a comment on this blog post for a chance to win.


Anecdotes and Apple Cores

45 thoughts on “Little Things

  1. sallybr

    Just voted! Too bad I did not understand I had to vote before, so I just left a comment on your blog. Now I realized how to do it, so I’ll keep adding my vote

    Ryan and Lucy look a lot alike, in fact it is amazing how she is a nice blend of you two – looking at her with you, I see you in her. Looking at her with Ryan, I see him… no matter how I look, I get very very happy!

  2. Kristin

    What a delight she is! I love the picture of her wearing your old romper– so I am not the only one who saves my little ones’ clothes for my grandchildren!

  3. Ashley

    I love these types of posts – glimpses more into your normal life! That picture with Lucy wearing your old romper – that’s so cool. I wish my mom had kept some of my old clothes from when I was a baby! And Lucy is just so adorable.

  4. Amy @ Elephant Eats

    Yay, i’m following you on instagram now 🙂 Lucy keeps getting cuter…look at those gorgeous eye lashes! Love her and Ryan’s matching moose shirts. Hope you’re over your cold!

  5. Bonnie

    Oh Monet, if I saw you and that precious baby at Whole Foods, I’d just have to snatch her up for a cuddle!! Each photo of Lucille is more beautiful than the last. I’m so glad that you are sharing her with us.


  6. Jessie

    I love love LOVE these pictures! Lucy is so adorable! That pic of her wearing your romper is precious. It’s wonderful you have that around for memories. I’m keeping a couple of little Chinese embroidered jackets around for our little kiddies 🙂

    Love the updates, as always!

  7. kitchen flavours

    Hi Monet,
    Lucy is one beautiful little baby!
    You still have your romper! How sweet and special! And so perfect for Lucy!
    Now that she is a little bigger, I can see that she looks a lot like Ryan. 🙂
    Hope you get over your chest cold soon.
    Will be voting for Ryan everyday.
    Wish him good luck and hope he wins!

  8. Georgia @ The Comfort of Cooking

    I was so charmed by this post, Monet! Love these fun snapshots of your day-to-day. Lucy is just so “pinchable” – hehe! Cutest little baby there is. Hope you and your mom are feeling better. Best of luck to Ryan – he’s got my vote!

  9. Catherine

    Dear Monet, Beautiful photo’s! Lucy is growing so quickly and her beautiful smile says it all.
    Your mom is lovely and I am sure this where your grace and strength flows from.
    I am so happy that you can share these moments with your mom.
    I hope that you will feel better soon.
    I hope that Ryan will get lots of votes for his art. This would be wonderful.

    Blessings my dearest and hugs, Catherine xo

  10. Suzie

    Lucy is such a pretty baby! You have a lovely family. Even though I am new here, I can tell I will enjoy the company 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend!

  11. Morris

    Look at those lashes! Gorgeous. Also, I agree it takes longer to get well when you are a mom. I never used to get sick, but I had my daughter and now I swear if there is a cold to get I get it.

  12. Hotly Spiced

    Those are lovely words about your mother. Lucille has beautiful eyes and eyelashes. I’m now following you on Instagram. Chicken soup is very therapeutic and I hope you get over your illness quickly xx

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