March 7, 2013
Hard to believe that Lucille Amelia is nearly 14 inches long. That is, until I feel her strong kicks on the right side of my stomach. She’s most active in the mornings and evenings, and she’s especially fond of all things sweet: apples, bananas, and grapefruit. My stomach grows and stretches daily. It’s fascinating to observe what a difference 48 hours can make! Last night, as I stood in front of my full-length mirror, I marveled at the curves and changes in my body. How I had gone from stick-thin Monet to this woman with a round and beautiful pregnant body.
My appetite has also been growing steadily. I discovered a new pregnancy craving last week: honey wheat bagels with thin slices of provolone cheese (toasted, of course). I’ve been eating my bagel and an apple with peanut butter before going to bed (which isn’t a small meal in the least) but for the past three nights, I’ve wanted to eat not one, but two of those honey wheat bagels with cheese! I just can’t seem to get enough food!
I’ve only gained about 9 pounds during my pregnancy (which seems shocking considering how large my stomach has grown) so I’m listening to my body and eating two bagels whenever I feel the urge.
March 13, 2013
Hard to believe, but my second trimester is coming to a close. Ryan and I completed our hypnobirthing class on Monday, and we found a sweet doula, Sarah York, over the weekend. After much thought and debate and prayer, we’ve decided to give birth at the hospital. Thankfully my OB is a family friend and lives just three houses up from my parents. Even more reassuring, she had natural births with all four of her children and is excited about my choice to avoid as much medical intervention as possible. Perhaps next time around, we’ll consider doing a home birth or making the drive to Denver, but since there is so much I don’t know about labor and delivery, I believe the hospital will be the best atmosphere for Lucy’s arrival.
That being said, I’m working on a birth plan that is both specific and purposeful. We talked about birth trauma in our hypnobirthing class, and the concept has guided my thinking as I consider labor and delivery. We often forget that babies are an equally important part of the birthing process. Their tiny, flexible bodies work down through the birth canal, leaving behind the safety and security of the womb. It is their lungs that must take those first gasps of air and their eyes that lock onto the faces of their mothers. As we enter into the third trimester, I’m preparing my body and my soul for a peaceful and joyful birth. One in which Lucy feels no fear. Now of course, so many different scenarios can occur and birth rarely happens the way we expect. But I do know that my mind and my soul can hold onto the promise of hope and peace no matter what turn my birthing may take.
As I mentioned last week, my appetite has grown IMMENSELY. I feel like I need to eat every two hours…and not just a granola bar…a hefty meal. Last night, I ate an apple, peanut butter, a whole wheat bagel, two slices of cheese and cinnamon raisin bread. All of this consumed after a full dinner of pasta and shrimp. She’s growing, I’m growing, so I’ll keep on eating as much healthy and real food as my body demands.
March 23, 2014

Birth Announcement board by Monet. See more
My mom and sweet sisters are throwing me a baby shower on Sunday. As we start to receive all sorts of sweet treasures for Lucille Amelia, I hope to share some of my favorite nursery finds. This is the first (of hopefully many) inspiration boards I’ll be sharing. Come back each Saturday for a new peek.
Beginning in upper left corner and moving clock-wise…
1. Ryan and I fell in love with Bonpoint when we visited Paris in May. This Parisian children’s boutique is a feast for the senses. From the window displays to the soft fabrics, Bonpoint is an experience worth remembering. While Ryan and I could never afford to buy a 100 euro baby sweater, their collection is classic, and I’m eager to replicate it with more affordable clothes.
2. Birth Announcement from Minted. Did I mention their holding a baby announcement contest? You can make your own inspiration board on their site and be entered in to win $2000!
3. Gorgeous Hand Crocheted Garland by Emma Lamb. I’m saving up to buy the baby mobile.
4. Make your own baby-felt shoes! Martha Stewart always has something to share….
5. Vintage Lamb Print. Sadly this print sold, but there are many more to find at the Vintage Read.
6. Flora dress made by Troizenfants. I think this blue would be perfect for July and August. Maybe even a generational photo-shoot? Little Lucy with her great-grandmother, Lucille Babbitt.
March 25, 2013
Thanks to my sweet mom and sisters, I had the most beautiful baby shower yesterday (despite snow and freezing weather!) I’ve included a handful of pictures…as well as the words I shared with our shower guests yesterday. I am a blessed woman indeed!
I was lucky enough to grow up in a family of women. I have an amazing father…but the testosterone ended there. Between three sisters, a mother, and a handful of female dogs, I grew up under the cloak of estrogen. And although I didn’t admit it out loud when I found out we were pregnant, I desperately wanted a little girl. When our ultrasound technician gave us the officially news (after Ryan had already correctly pointed out female anatomy), I cried tears of happiness.
Like me, Lucy will also come into a world full of beautiful and strong women, as well as the best father I could ever hope she could have. I’d like to take a moment to recognize a few of those women here…and what I hope Lucy will learn from their presence.
To Halley (my one and only niece):
I hope Lucy learns from how well you care for your brothers. They all look up to you, and they take delight in your attention and affection. I hope Lucy learns to dance like you, to sing like you, and to embrace the world with open arms…even after going through some very dark and difficult days.
To Susanne (my older sister and best friend):
I hope Lucy learns how to listen like you do. You have a way of making people feel at ease with themselves…and inspiring them to follow their dreams. When I’m around you, I feel brave and beautiful. I know Lucy will too. I also hope Lucy learns from your perseverance, your ability to love and hope in spite of loss. I hope she shares her story with as much grace and courage as you do. Because it’s those stories that change the world.
To Noelle (my little sister and best friend):
I hope Lucy is as strong as you. I know it’s hard to be away from home, but you’re following your dreams, and you’ve already accomplished so much. I hope that Lucy has the strength of character to plumb the desires of her heart and to follow them. I hope Lucy has the same beautiful brown eyes that you do. I hope she can make us laugh as much as you used to when you were a little girl.
To Debbie (Ryan’s mom):
I hope Lucy develops as much love and loyalty for her family as you have for our family. I hope she learns to stand up for herself and for the people she loves. I hope she treats our and her animals with as much love and compassion as you treats yours. And I hope that one day, she’ll raise a son as sweet and giving as Ryan. He’s the greatest gift I’ve ever received.
To Mom:
I hope Lucy is as creative as you are. I hope she learns to love art and music…and I pray that she fills our home with as many creations as you’ve filled ours. I hope she learns to care for those that are hurting like you’ve cared for me and so many others. I hope she’s as graceful as you are, as beautiful as you are, and I pray that she and I are as close as you and I are now.
March 28, 2013
Not only did I have my first baby shower this week, but Ryan and I are also buying our first house. We’ve spent the past several months looking and praying for the right home. We found it, about four weeks ago, and we’re closing on Friday. The couple who owned it previously had been there for over twenty years. Well into their eighties, they now live in a retirement center. From the moment we walked through the front door, we could tell they cherished their home. I look forward to sharing more pictures in the weeks to come…but here’s a sneak peek. Ryan examining one of TWO wood fireplaces.
In other news: I’m officially in my third trimester. We had a 3d ultrasound on Monday, and my whole family fell in love with our little Lou. She kept her hands close to her face as if to say, “I’m not quite ready for you to see me,” but there were moments when we caught her lips and eyes, when she yawned and sucked her thumb. To have this living and growing baby inside of me is nothing short of miraculous. I cherish every movement, and I long, with eager expectation, the day she’ll be out of my stomach and in my arms.
April 4, 2013
Well, I’m happy to announce that I successfully defended my Masters Thesis on Tuesday morning. After three years of work (much of it done while battling either insecurity or morning sickness), I’ve completed my MFA in Creative Writing. Many of you know a lot about me…about my family…and about my passion for food. But my thesis is a memoir about a part of my life that I’m less apt to share with strangers (and even close friends). As a writer, I skirted around the heart of my memoir for years. My stories and novels were cloaked and heavy as I tried to disguise my writing soul.
Over the course of these past three years, I learned that a writer’s true voice only develops when we finally tackle that which we fear the most.
My thesis defense ended in a long discussion with my adviser and the director of the program. His enthusiasm for my work was surprising, and we’re hoping to send it off to an agent before Lucy is born this summer. Who knows what will happen, but it’s exciting to have such a concrete goal. I won’t share much more until I’m farther along in that process, but I appreciate your positive thoughts in the weeks and months to come!
In the meantime, we’re still celebrating the imminent arrival of our little Lucy. I’m in Houston for the next few days, and my Aunt Sharon is throwing me a baby shower (one just as special as the first, I’m sure!). The weather here in Texas is hot and humid. A nice change from the dry cold we’ve been bravely facing in Colorado. Ryan and I have enjoyed good food, seen old friends, and already driven in traffic one too many times (oh the joys of Texas!).
April 6, 2013
My Aunt Sharon and I have always been close. I still remember making gingerbread houses in her kitchen when my head barely reached her counter. Although we were happy to move back to Colorado a few months ago, I was heartbroken I wouldn’t be as close to Houston, Aunt Sherry and my sweet Grammy (see picture above…Lucille Amelia’s namesake!).
On Thursday night, my aunt threw me a beautiful baby shower. My sweet Grammy couldn’t have been more thrilled to attend the happy affair. My belly is growing daily, and I’m having to stretch t-shirts and dresses over what’s become my basketball size stomach/uterus. Old friends and family were excited to see the progress. But these knitted treasures were the true stars of the evening. My aunt is an incredibly talented knitter. She works at Knitting at the Loop, a beautiful store in Houston that encourages community through their fine goods, classes, and patterns.
I thought I’d share her creations for little Lucy. I have no doubt they’ll be treasured for the rest of my life and my daughter’s life too.
Burp clothes
Pink Bloomers
A baby cap with pink rosette
All together now
GORGEOUS pink tutu
Did I mention how blessed I feel in this season of my life? So thankful for the beautiful community Lucy will join.