So I was the child toting around an inhaler on the playground, wheezing after tag and developing headaches from the shampoo my school used to clean their carpet. At an early age, my pediatrician announced, “Chemically Sensitive” and since that prognosis, my entire family has been wary of what comes into our environment and our home.
So when Seventh Generation and the Motherhood invited me to learn more about what we can do to protect our homes and our children, I jumped on board. I’ve become even more concerned about environmental toxins since getting pregnant last fall. And we’ve been very choosy when it comes to the types of products we use on Lucy.
As many of you know, Ryan and I cloth diaper Lucy 90% of the time. When we don’t cloth diaper, we use disposables made by Seventh Generation. Yes, they’re more expensive, but the cost is SO WORTH IT to me. Last week, I was able to join several other bloggers to talk about chemical exposure and ways we can keep our families healthy and safe. These are some of the startling facts I learned:
-There are over 80,000 chemicals registered for use in the United States and comprehensive pre-market safety testing is not required under any federal law.
-In the European Union, over 1300 chemicals have been banned for use in personal care products….in the United States only 11 chemicals have been restricted.
-Scientific evidence continues to point to daily chemical exposure as causing or contributing to the rise in childhood beheavioral disorders and diseases.
-Chemical exposure begins in the womb! In a recent study, more than 230 chemicals were found in the umbilical cord blood of ten newborns.
-Studies have found flame retardants, bisphenol-A and other chemicals in breasmilk.BREASTMILK!
And I could keep on going…seriously scary stuff. But the folks at Seventh Generation believe Knowledge is Power. We need to protect our kids from unnecessary chemical exposures (just like we protect them from a host of other dangers in this world).
Here are a few easy steps that I learned about:
1. Take shoes off at the door. We don’t just track dirt in on our shoes….we’re also tracking in toxins like lead, pesticides, gasoline residue and more.
2. Buy safer body care! Children are exposed to an average of 27 care products on a daily basis that haven’t been found safe for developing bodies.
3. Open a window. Even a few minutes a day can improve air quality.
4. Eat more whole foods. (You know I’m a big proponent of this one!)
5. Ban canned foods. BPA is in the plastic resin that lines most canned goods–from soups to sodas. Avoid canned food for lower exposure.
And there’s more…the folks at Seventh Generation are encouraging us to host our own Healthy Baby Home Party. You can do this in person (or you can hold a virtual party…much like what I’m doing right here!) We need to share this information with each other and empower our communities to say NO to the lax regulations on chemicals in the US. I’m urging my senators to strengthen and pass the Chemical Safety Improvement Act (CSIA) and you can too.
I’m also buying Seventh Generation wipes and cleaners. We cloth diaper, but when we do buy a bag (for travel) I always make sure to buy a brand that is free of chlorine (and many other chemicals that just aren’t good for our little ones!)
If you’re interested in hosting a Healthy Baby Home Party…please follow this link. I received a host of products and information that I’ll be sharing with friends and family in just a few weeks!
As a blogger, I receive A LOT of requests to share products or agendas with my readers. As many of you know, my site is free of advertisements and I don’t accept these outside requests often. But I TRULY BELIEVE THAT THIS IS IMPORTANT. For those of you with children and for those of you without them. We all need to join together to make our communities and our world a safer place for the generations to come.
If you’d like to learn more, please join me on November 14 at 1 p.m. ET for a Seventh Generation twitter party to talk about all-natural baby product options. And if you join the party, you’ll have the opportunity to win a MONTH’S SUPPLY OF DIAPERS AND WIPES. (Five winners will be picked! You just need to join the party and answer the fun trivia questions correctly)
Invite: http://twtvite.com/healthybabyhome
Hosts: @theMotherhood, @TheMotherhood25, @CooperMunroe, @EmilyMcKhann
Hashtag: #HealthyBabyHome
And I’ll be there too. I hope you’ll join!
This post was sponsored by Seventh Generation and the Motherhood. All thoughts and opinions are my own.
Anecdotes and Apple Cores